16 May 2006

How to wrap a database into the support environment

New environment - Basic tasks
Support Tasks Add the monitoringHarden the systemBackupsPrepare for the future user/process errorsImplement a DR
Gather StatisticsClean-up scripts
Operating systems considerations

Oracle Database Vault

Oracle Database Vault is a new Oracle product which can limit DBA access to the aplication data or disallow certain DBA commands (ALTER SYSTEM, ALTER DATABASE, ...) using VPD and sys_context information, and audit the commands that fail the DVA authorization.

The example on the Oracle site uses only IP address, but I dont' see reason why it can't be used with OS_USER, CURRENT_SCHEMA and other SYS_CONTEXT data.

Check 2 viewlets on:
Database Vault viewlet 1
Database Vault viewlet 2

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