29 May 2018

Migration of OEM to another hosts fails with "Setup EM infrastructure failed!"

This was a tricky one. I migrated OEM 13c from Linux 5 to Linux 6 without any issues. When I tried the same migration, just this time from Linux 6 to 7, the recovery failed as nodemanager couldn't start on the new node. First time I saw that error , I had a niggling it was nodemanger's properties file, but I wasn't sure which parameters are the problem.

There are few Oracle bugs associated with this issue, but they all had  different symptoms..  It took Oracle a week to connect those bugs and this issue, and it was really the nodemanagers.properties file that needed changing.

I'm publishing it, hoping someone else will be able to get a quick solution when they get the same errors. :-)


$ORACLE_HOME/bin/omsca recover -as -ms -nostart -backup_file /data/backup/oradata/oms/opf_ADMIN_20180529_093215.bka
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release
Copyright (c) 1996, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved.

OS check passed.
OMS version check passed.
Performing Admin Server Recovery...
Retrieved Admin Server template.
Source Instance Host name where configuration is exported : oldserver
instHost name retrieved from local host name : newserver
Populated install params from backup...
Enter Administration Server user password:
Confirm Password:
Enter Node Manager Password:
Confirm Password:
Enter Repository database user password:
Enter Agent Registration password:
Confirm Password:

Doing pre requisite checks ......
Pre requisite checks completed successfully

Checking Plugin software bits
Proceed to recovery
Setting up domain from template...
Setup EM infrastructure failed!
OMSCA Recover failed

When you check the logs, you find errors like these:
Fatal error in NodeManager server: Identity key store file not found: 

weblogic.nodemanager.NMConnectException: Connection refused. Could not connect to NodeManager.


Nodemanager is configured with custom certs.


Make a backup of nodemanager.properties
Delete the lines from the file starting with the following parameters and restart OMS:


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