26 July 2017
OEM: Metric "Redo Apply Rate (KB/second)" shows 0
We received an alert for one of our cluster standby databases, with OEM metric "Redo Apply Rate (KB/second) " showing 0, indicating there was no apply going on. When I checked DataGuard, it was showing consistent stream of redo apply, so async apply was working fine.
I searched through Oracle support site and Google, but there is no known bug in Oracle. I think this was caused by one instance applying the redo and the other doesn't. OEM must be reporting 0 because the metric is being calculating on the non-applying instance.
Change the sql in Agent's PL file to look over both clustered instance, and take the maximum redo apply.
This is my workaround, not offical Oracle's, but it fixed our problem and has been running fine since.
$sql = "SELECT s.value*512/1000 KB_bytes from v\$sysstat s where s.name='redo blocks read for recovery'";
$sql = "SELECT max(s.value*512/1000) KB_bytes from gv\$sysstat s where s.name='redo blocks read for recovery'";
19 July 2017
Oracle bug: wrong spfile in init*.ora
Mon Jul 17 21:50:44 2017ERROR: Unable to get logical block size for spfile '+ORADATA3/PPEN/spfilePPEN.ora'.
Mon Jul 17 21:50:45 2017ERROR: Unable to get logical block size for spfile '+ORADATA1/PPEN/spfilePPEN.ora'.
The problem is caused by init*.ora file pointing to a non-existing spfile, while spfile instance parameter is pointing to the correct one.
Create an alias in ASM that matches the name in init*.ora file.
ASMCMD> pwd+oradata1/PPEN
ASMCMD> ls PARAMETERFILE/spfile.268.948615175
ASMCMD> mkalias PARAMETERFILE/spfile.268.948615175 spfilePPEN.ora
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