18 June 2019
OEM repository commands
OEM13c occasionally leaves orphaned alerts or targets in suspended mode, that clearstate can't remove. After some investigation, I've created and used these commands for few years, and they are working well.
Get targets out of suspended mode
select * from sysman.em_current_availability where current_status in (4,5,6) and SEVERITY_GUID is not null;update sysman.em_current_availability set CURRENT_STATUS=1,SEVERITY_GUID=null where current_status in (4,5,6) and SEVERITY_GUID is not null;
Clear up orphaned alerts
col msg for a50select TARGET_GUID, EVENT_SEQ_ID, msg, REPORTED_DATE,CLOSED_DATE from sysman.GC$EVENTS where event_seq_id in (select event_seq_id from sysman.EM_EVENT_SEQUENCES_E where open_status=1 and msg like '%&msg_text%'); update sysman.EM_EVENT_SEQUENCES_E set open_status=0, closed_date=sysdate, severity=0, prev_severity=16 where (TARGET_GUID = '&target_id' or EVENT_SEQ_ID='&event_seq_id' ) and open_status=1;
update sysman.EM_EVENT_SEQUENCES_E set open_status=0, closed_date=sysdate, severity=0, prev_severity=16 where open_status=1 and event_seq_id in (select EVENT_SEQ_ID from sysman.GC$EVENTS where event_seq_id in (select event_seq_id from sysman.EM_EVENT_SEQUENCES_E where open_status=1 and msg like '%&msg_text%'));
Labels: OME 13c Suspended target repository update