- Checks
- cemutlo -n; srvctl config scan (list cluster and scan name)
- crsctl check crs (summary check of top components)
- crsctl status resource -t (list detailed resources)
- crsctl query crs activeversion (check active version)
- srvctl status nodeapps/scan
- cluvfy comp crs (verify CRS integrity)
- crsctl query css votedisk
- ocrconfig -replace ocrmirror (add a mirrored copy)
- ocrconfig -add +ASM_DG (add OCR to ASM disk group)
- ocrconfig -showbackup (OCR automatically backed up every 4 hours, at the end of a day, and at the end of a week). Check $CRS_HOME/cdata/$cluster_name
- ocrconfig -manualbackup
- Various other commands
- crsctl stop cluster -all (without "-all", it stops CS on the current node)
- crsctl disable crs (disables HA)
- crsctl stop crs (stops the cluster on the local node)
- srvctl stop instance -d DBNAME - i "INST1, INST2" -o immediate (also stops services)
- srvctl stop database -d DBNAME
- srvctl disable service ...
- SQL>alter system kill session 'sid, serial, instance_id';
- ASM:
- srvctl status asm
- /etc/init.d/oracleasm listdisks or querydisks
- Add additional disks:
- oracleasm configure -i (to configure ASM library software)
- oraceasm scandissk (to make the disks available to other nodes)
- /etc/init.d/oracleasm createdisk DISK1 /dev/dasdxxxx (mark a disk as SAM disk)
- ASM config file in /etc/sysconfig/oracleasm
- Monitoring/diagnostics
- $Grid_home/bin/diagcollection.pl ... (collect diag information from CW)
- oclumon debug log deamonmodule all/osysmond/ologgerd/client debuglevel 0-3
- oclumon dumpnodeview (dump node view for all or some nodes, for time interval. This will list system usage, top consumer, processes, devices, amongst all)
- crsctl set trace "crs=1" (crs/cfs/css/evm, and level can be 0-5)
- The column CLUSTER_WAIT_TIME in V$SQLAREA represents the wait time incurred by individual SQL for global chache events.
- Check AWR report and RAC related events:
- gc current block 2-way (block requested to be accessed in the current mode (U/D), sent by the master instance via Cache Fusion)
- gc current block busy (block being used by another instance, or holding instance couldn't write it fast enough)
- gc buffer busy acquire/release (block busy is now split into acquire and release)
- gc current/cr block congested (high load, CPU saturation)
// posted by Tatjana (Tanja) Kane @