02 September 2014
OEM 12c Installation and Upgrade - notes from Oracle course
OMS is a J2EE app deployed via Web Logic. It has 3 apps:
1 - The Console serves up all the /em URLs.
2 - PBS (Platform Background Services) serves up all the /empbs URLs. It is where agents
upload their metrics.
3 - OCMRepeater is the link between EM CC and My Oracle Support for consolidating
configuration data collected from agents.
12 new:
Each agent has plug-ins. They are automatically discovered.
Backup/Restore OMS:
/u01/app/oracle/product/middleware/oms/bin/emctl exportconfig oms
emctl importconfig oms –file /.../EMGC_OMS1/sysman/backup/OMS_backups.bka
Default ports:
2889/2900 or 3872/3870 between agent and OMS
7788/7799 between OMS and CC
JDBC:1521 from OMS to Rep
-Installation from s/w distribution is possible.
-11g required a pre-existing WLS installation; 12c does not.
-12c metrics are gathered by agent plug-ins
-OMs replication means copy the config files only (OMS needs to be shut down)
-OMS and OMR can run on the same server. No advantage to separating it.
Enterprise Manager startup sequence:
1. OMR listener and database instance
2. OMS
3. Agent on OMS server
• Shutdown is in the reverse order.
1. First install OREP database, as normal
2. Download software from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/oem/grid-control/downloads/linuxx8664soft-085949.html
3. Unpack
4. Run prerequsite on OREP
5. cd to it, ./runInstaller
6. Choose medium size db...
7. Backup OMS
8. Check that https://host:7799/em is working. Secure it with certificate from the trusted domain.
1-system upgrade:
- The Upgrade Console is installed into your current OMS by applying Patch 14375077
- Follow the process.
- Grid is down all the time.
- Agents first, then OMS
2-system upgrade:
- No loss of metric data
- We can have 11g and 12c running in parallel
- The Upgrade Console is installed into your current OMS by applying Patch 14375077
- Execute post-installation scripts
$OH/bin/rcuJDBCEngine sys/Oracle123@host:1521:orep JDBC_SCRIPT post_install_script.sql $PWD $ORACLE_HOME
$OHbin/rcuJDBCEngine sys/Oracle123@host:1521:em11rep JDBC_SCRIPT post_install_patch.sql $PWD $ORACLE_HOME
Apply latest PSU
- Install the 12c agent software
-- Put it in the directory where console can see it
-- Copy the emkey from oms to repository
- Configure Upgrade console
-- In "Identify Host.." specify new hostname
-- In Manage Softare, specify the link to the software
-- In "Provide Backup.." put date of the templates, or date after
- Clone the current repository
-- Create a template (with data) from your existing 11g repository
-- Start the 11g OMS and remove the emkey from the repository
##The emkey is a random number that is generated during the installation of the Repository and is stored in a table. When the OMS is installed, the emkey is copied from the Rep to the $OH/sysman/config/emkey.ora file. After the emkey has been copied, you must remove it from the Repository as it is not considered secure. If it is not removed, data such as database passwords, server passwords and other sensitive information can be easily decrypted.
-- Scp the template accross
-- Use dbca to create a new repository from the template
-- Other option is to clone it any other way, as long as data is the same #What about removing the emkey?
-- grant execute on dbms_random to sysman, dbsnmp; #additional privileges needed
- Check the new 12c repository database
-- emprereq command
-- If changes are required, run the emprereqkit again and let it make changes that can be auto-corrected.
- Install OMS 12c
-- ./runINstaller on the new host
# Chose an option "Upgrade an Existing OEM with 2-Server" not the "Create new OEM"
- In "Link to old OMR" part:
--grep CONNECTDESCRIPTOR /u01/app/oracle/product/middleware/gc_inst/em/EMGC_OMS1/emgc.properties
and attach that into the first field
- Use the Upgrade console to deploy 12c agents (check space first)
--Agent on zpgrid1 can be skipped
-- Add/Select other agents in “Deploy and Configure Agents”, follow the instructions and Submit a Job
- Agent Health check
-- Click the “Generate Health Report of Deployed Agents” link, add the targets that have 12c agent deployed
-- Sign off
- Switch to 12c agent
-- "Switch Agents" and add the target
-- This taks supposedlyalso runs Accrued data
- Access Post-Upgrade Console
-- Navigate to Setup > Manage Cloud Control > Post Upgrade Tasks \ Accrued Data and Submit job for all Components
-- This is just a read-only view (apparently).
-- Run what you need in the Deferred Data.
-- Sign off : This task also de-installs the 11g agent
- Wait for all agents to be activated on 12c before decommissioning the current OMS #if that's what you want to do
-- While waiting, 11g agents will be active
- If all agents can't be activated, revert to 11g
How to discover targets:
1. Manually discover the host
2. Set up ssh to it from OMS host
3. Push the agent to it
4. Do auto discover
Web Logic has to be patched separately
- Backup the emkey emctl exportconfig oms -dir
- Remove emkey from the 11g repository #don't remove till you backup
- Assuming that you use the default secure communications between the agents and the OMS,
disable unsecure communications with the emctl command: emctl secure lock.
- Secure the console with an SSL certificate from a trusted authority # check what has been done
- Check OEM DR whether it's working
1 - The Console serves up all the /em URLs.
2 - PBS (Platform Background Services) serves up all the /empbs URLs. It is where agents
upload their metrics.
3 - OCMRepeater is the link between EM CC and My Oracle Support for consolidating
configuration data collected from agents.
12 new:
Each agent has plug-ins. They are automatically discovered.
Backup/Restore OMS:
/u01/app/oracle/product/middleware/oms/bin/emctl exportconfig oms
emctl importconfig oms –file /.../EMGC_OMS1/sysman/backup/OMS_backups.bka
Default ports:
2889/2900 or 3872/3870 between agent and OMS
7788/7799 between OMS and CC
JDBC:1521 from OMS to Rep
-Installation from s/w distribution is possible.
-11g required a pre-existing WLS installation; 12c does not.
-12c metrics are gathered by agent plug-ins
-OMs replication means copy the config files only (OMS needs to be shut down)
-OMS and OMR can run on the same server. No advantage to separating it.
Enterprise Manager startup sequence:
1. OMR listener and database instance
2. OMS
3. Agent on OMS server
• Shutdown is in the reverse order.
1. First install OREP database, as normal
2. Download software from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/oem/grid-control/downloads/linuxx8664soft-085949.html
3. Unpack
4. Run prerequsite on OREP
5. cd to it, ./runInstaller
6. Choose medium size db...
7. Backup OMS
8. Check that https://host:7799/em is working. Secure it with certificate from the trusted domain.
1-system upgrade:
- The Upgrade Console is installed into your current OMS by applying Patch 14375077
- Follow the process.
- Grid is down all the time.
- Agents first, then OMS
2-system upgrade:
- No loss of metric data
- We can have 11g and 12c running in parallel
- The Upgrade Console is installed into your current OMS by applying Patch 14375077
- Execute post-installation scripts
$OH/bin/rcuJDBCEngine sys/Oracle123@host:1521:orep JDBC_SCRIPT post_install_script.sql $PWD $ORACLE_HOME
$OHbin/rcuJDBCEngine sys/Oracle123@host:1521:em11rep JDBC_SCRIPT post_install_patch.sql $PWD $ORACLE_HOME
Apply latest PSU
- Install the 12c agent software
-- Put it in the directory where console can see it
-- Copy the emkey from oms to repository
- Configure Upgrade console
-- In "Identify Host.." specify new hostname
-- In Manage Softare, specify the link to the software
-- In "Provide Backup.." put date of the templates, or date after
- Clone the current repository
-- Create a template (with data) from your existing 11g repository
-- Start the 11g OMS and remove the emkey from the repository
##The emkey is a random number that is generated during the installation of the Repository and is stored in a table. When the OMS is installed, the emkey is copied from the Rep to the $OH/sysman/config/emkey.ora file. After the emkey has been copied, you must remove it from the Repository as it is not considered secure. If it is not removed, data such as database passwords, server passwords and other sensitive information can be easily decrypted.
-- Scp the template accross
-- Use dbca to create a new repository from the template
-- Other option is to clone it any other way, as long as data is the same #What about removing the emkey?
-- grant execute on dbms_random to sysman, dbsnmp; #additional privileges needed
- Check the new 12c repository database
-- emprereq command
-- If changes are required, run the emprereqkit again and let it make changes that can be auto-corrected.
- Install OMS 12c
-- ./runINstaller on the new host
# Chose an option "Upgrade an Existing OEM with 2-Server" not the "Create new OEM"
- In "Link to old OMR" part:
--grep CONNECTDESCRIPTOR /u01/app/oracle/product/middleware/gc_inst/em/EMGC_OMS1/emgc.properties
and attach that into the first field
- Use the Upgrade console to deploy 12c agents (check space first)
--Agent on zpgrid1 can be skipped
-- Add/Select other agents in “Deploy and Configure Agents”, follow the instructions and Submit a Job
- Agent Health check
-- Click the “Generate Health Report of Deployed Agents” link, add the targets that have 12c agent deployed
-- Sign off
- Switch to 12c agent
-- "Switch Agents" and add the target
-- This taks supposedlyalso runs Accrued data
- Access Post-Upgrade Console
-- Navigate to Setup > Manage Cloud Control > Post Upgrade Tasks \ Accrued Data and Submit job for all Components
-- This is just a read-only view (apparently).
-- Run what you need in the Deferred Data.
-- Sign off : This task also de-installs the 11g agent
- Wait for all agents to be activated on 12c before decommissioning the current OMS #if that's what you want to do
-- While waiting, 11g agents will be active
- If all agents can't be activated, revert to 11g
How to discover targets:
1. Manually discover the host
2. Set up ssh to it from OMS host
3. Push the agent to it
4. Do auto discover
Web Logic has to be patched separately
- Backup the emkey emctl exportconfig oms -dir
- Remove emkey from the 11g repository #don't remove till you backup
- Assuming that you use the default secure communications between the agents and the OMS,
disable unsecure communications with the emctl command: emctl secure lock.
- Secure the console with an SSL certificate from a trusted authority # check what has been done
- Check OEM DR whether it's working